Now I need to edit the pics for the Mitten Photo tutorial I'm working on, hope to have it up and finished tonight.
Monday, November 26
Candy Apple Shrug
Now I need to edit the pics for the Mitten Photo tutorial I'm working on, hope to have it up and finished tonight.
Wednesday, November 21
Belly Cast
Well, Doris has been talking about a Belly Cast.. she's due in a few weeks, so it's a good time since her belly is about as big as it's going to get. Plus we're having her baby shower on Saturday and she wants to have everyone sign her belly I think is the plan.
So, we set out with plaster of paris and started covering her belly in strips. My 6 year old took the pictures, I think she did a great job, yay for digital with the LCD screen!!! Good job Kenzie!!!
Well after Doris left with her belly in the back seat Zach did some dancing with jadyn, and it was too sweet to not get pictures of.
Now it's time to bunker down and get my hooks to work for a while.
Tuesday, November 20
Another pair of Mittens
Colors don't quite come out right in the photos. I think all the times that I've been "mittenly challenged" as Darski on the Ville calls it, was so worth it for finally overcoming my mitten-makers block. This has even built my confidence up to where I just may try me a pair of socks!
Monday, November 19
Great Mail and More Mittens
Making these mittens:
When I heard a "sllluushh" on the front porch and went outside to discover this:
Open it up and it looks like this:
Dump it on a chair and it looks like this:
Get excited children to line em up so I can take a full picture and you get this:
And when you finish lining them up neatly to get a clear view you get this:
And so you don't have to do the math, YES this is a full 48 squares, and that happens to be the number needed to make 1 comfortghan!!!! These were sent to me by Pineknott from Crochetville, and I must say Linda is simply an angel, she has sent me squares before and now this is just TOO MUCH, these squares are really going to make a beautiful gift of love for someone. I can't wait to join them all and show the final product!!!
Now about the mittens, I was scrambling to get Kenzie's done before she went to her Adventurers club meeting today, and I am glad to say, I BARELY met the deadline, but she is in fact off at Adventurers donning her brand new made by mommy mittens. She loves them, she picked the colors, Dark Orchid and Raspberry:
So that's it for today, even if I finish more, no more pictures or posts until tomorrow.
Mittens and Night Shots of Snow
And I made Doris' coming soon little girl a blanket for the carseat, but I think I need to add to the border like I had originally planned, but here it is as it stands right now:
Also with me not being able to sleep last night, I set my camera to Night Time Flash Mode, and took a few pictures of the snow in the evening. They aren't the most spectacular pictures, I wish I could have gotten a better picture of the tree in the back yard, it really did just look so awesome at around 1 a.m.
This one is the front bushes taken from the door:
Here is the tree in the back:
And I have a few things I want to get done today, talk to my school, make a few 8" squares, make the 2 pairs of mittens, and complete a row (at least) on grandpa pease's blanket.
Sunday, November 18
The Day
Well, I was in such a good mood that I went up to AC Moore to exchange some things. Had some yarn I actually brought back b/c i didn't need and some thread and then bought a size 7 steel hook to replace the one I lost. Enjoying the feel of snow flakes on my face and a crispness in the air, I walked up and just ha da relaxing time. I love snow by the way, so this has put me over the top.
Came home and checked my messages, and was saddened to find out that I had missed a call from Darlene, letting me know that her father has passed away just this morning. I feel awful and wish I could just go to TX and be with her and help in some way. Darlene is one of the sweetest and most loving people I have ever known, so my thoughts and prayers are with her.
Love ya dar bar!!!!
Tuesday, November 13
New Header
I'll be adding JPCA Designs to my side bar as well for everyone's future reference.
Monday, November 12
Too Many Ideas
Goodness, ever have those times where so many ideas are bouncing around your head that you just don't know what to do with them? I'm looking ahead to 2008, and trying to decide what to do. I started 2007 very strong in my resolve to crochet for charity, and then I started college in March and everything simply went to the wayside. I barely crocheted anything, and I'm so far behind on Christmas gifts that I had to scratch the list all together and 2 people are now intended to get crocheted gifts.
I love to crochet, but somehow it always manages to take the back burner to everything from school, to the kids, to cleaning, to cooking, to sleeping, my days are fuller then I would like them to be. But then maybe I'm just terrible at time management.
I would like for this to change for 2008, and I'm starting now. Limiting myself on the computer and planning meals better so they can be made more efficiently. I just know that I can fit in 1 hour a day crocheting, more on the weekends. I want 2008 to be the year that I methodically work my way through my WIP/WIM list and finish these projects that are bubbling up in my head. And the Christmas that I give everyone what I intended to give them in the first place, and the year my kids write to all their grandparents at least once a month, and the year Mackenzie learns to tie her own shoe laces.
I have all this yarn, and all these great pattern books, and a couple awesome hooks that deserve to be used, I need to get on it.
Sunday, November 11
Testing word capabilities
I just found in here by accident that I can do blog posts right from a Word document. Seeing if this works. Also looking forward to seeing what Janet has in store for me, I sent her a photo and gave her some wording and she said she'd work on a banner for my page. Can't wait to see it, I'm so excited.
Saturday, November 10
Blog Makeover
Also, the hat/scarf I made mackenzie last year from one of Dot's patterns, I'm going to make a new version this year. Where the scarf comes out of the bottom of the hat and not the top of the head, we'll see how it works when it's done.
I'm doing the November Charity Square A-Long with some other members of Crochetville,I'm wanting to get 25 squares done, I've got 10 about done now. I have to finish my course work still and take 2 mid-terms, so not sure how much more I'll get done.
Kenzie is busy making Cross in My Pockets to send to On-line Angels, and also making Christmas gifts for the people she loves the best. (If you're related to her you made the cut, lol). She's reading more and more and just growing in ways that continue to amaze me.
Well, I just wanted to touch base, havn't used this thing in a while and felt the need to.
Tuesday, September 11
Happy Birthday Dad
Haven't seen you in a long time, who knows maybe you were hit by a bus a few years back. Probably not, bur I wouldn't know. I can't help but think of you today, as I turn another year older, so do you.
In case you think of me and try to look me up, you might see this today too. Well Happy Birthday. I'm doing well. You have 3 granddaughters whom you've never met, and have never seen a picture of you. They are beautiful and amazing. Mackenzie is 6 1/2 now, Dawn is 4 1/2 and little Jadyn just turned 2 last month. My husband, who you've also never met, is a wonderful man, his name is Zach.
Don't fret that the girls don't know their grandfather. They have their PaPa who they adore immensely. It's amazing how loved they are, by all the people around them. I don't even think they really notice you are missing.
Frankly, I only notice today. I'll be over it tomorrow and won't think about again until next year, when being who I am, can't forget that today is your birthday. Whereever you are, and whoever you are with, I do wish you all that you could possibly deserve from this life.
~Your Daughter
Friday, July 27
Thoughts of Christmas Abound
I need to finalize my gift list and then I'll have a better idea of what I'm getting into.
Saturday, May 19
Chris Isaak- Wicked Game
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you.
I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you.
I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
With you. With you. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you.
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you and,
I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
With you.
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you.
I never dreamed that I'd loose somebody like you no,
I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
With you. With you. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
Nobody loves no one.
Saturday, April 28
Almost there
Mackenzie is doing well with school, she'll actually be doen here soon. She's excited, I'm excited, and we're ready for summer.
My mom actually has an e-mail address and computer now, so that's cool. Tomorrow and then again next Saturday I'm going to see my grandma. We're hving lunch tomorrow, and I can't wait. It's going to be so fun! After that we are going to the cemetary to see grandpas grave site, not as fun, but necesarry. I havn't been there since he died.
I need to study some more, I have reading to do and I need to get this quiz over with so I can stop worrying about the darn thing.
Friday, April 27
The Lover In Me
sung by: Jessica Simpson
Too long I've been
Denying myself
Hostage to thoughts i'm somebody else
And all the while you
Have been wishing to
Love on me
Mixed feelings and misgivings
That's all a memory now baby
When you saw me
For what i could be
Then i finally saw the same
Now the lover in me
Sees the lover in you
And im happy to say that im so not afraid
For the lover in me
To meet the lover in you
Cause i see what we'll be
And the lover in me loves you
Past it's just that leave it where it's at
I want to live in the moment with you
Wasted so much time
Startling but now i'm
Spreading my wings and begining again
Mixed feelings and misgivings
That's all a memory now baby
When you saw me
For what i could be
Then i finally saw the same
Now the lover in me
Sees the lover in you
And im happy to say that im so not afraid
For the lover in me
To meet the lover in you
Cause i see what we'll be
And the lover in me loves you
No tears left to cry
You're my strongest tide
So amazing how you've taken me away
I'm too far off the ground
So heart don't fail me now
Just let me oh let me
Feel like a lover come down
Now the lover in me
Sees the lover in you
And im happy to say that im so not afraid
For the lover in me
To meet the lover in you
Cause i see what we'll be
And the lover in me [3x]
Thursday, April 26
Thursday 13 #2
1- The best warm hug I've had since the last time I saw her
2- Mackenzie Read to her great-grandmother
3- I met Sean's Girls Crete and Clare, and Greg's daughter Heather who I'd never met before
4- My Grandma, who used to tell my mom to let me have a cookie.... over ruled me when I told my kids they couldn't have a cookie (btw that was really cool, lol)
5- I saw a family lineage of her line of our family, dating back to 1624!!
6- I learned my grandmother has had the same pen-pal for more than 60 years... and they still write to eachother!
7- Was given a picture of my grandpa where he was being incredibly silly, and making a face that I thought only zach would ever make, rofl
8- Was able to teach Crete how to finish off a rnd before starting hte next one on a crochet project she is working on
9- Met Emily, who is really cool and funky, and very nice!
10- Took a picture with 4 generations of my family in it!!
11- Was able to sit in a conversation where I'm pretty sure it was established my grandparents know EVERYONE
12- Emily gave my daughters more clothes than they are ever going to need, lol, I mean bags and bags and bags of shirts and dresses and jeans, you should see all the stuff
13- My husband was actaully a little sociable, but was great about wrangling the kids so I could enjoy the time with my mom, grandma, Aunt Betty, and Aunt Emily.
It was such a great day! I was so glad to be able to look through OLD, like from 1920-40's OLD photographs, and sit and talk with her, and when Mackenzie read to her, it was so cool to me! And the girls were so sweet and polite all day, they really put their best foot forward. And they weren't shy with her, they both just hugged her, and jadyn warmed up after an hour or so, then everyone got to see her giggling, and hear her talk, and being silly.
Clare, Crete and Heater are very sweet young ladies, and it was such a joy to meet them. I have so many cousins, and really know very few of them. It's nice to meet some of them. We're going back this Sunday, and going to lunch, then going back NExt Saturday to attend a huge party that Aunt Betty and Uncle Dave are throwing for her. There I will meet LOTS of cousins and their kids, and others that I havn't really gotten to know. I'm really excited about it, should be fun.
It was so great to see her, can't really describe how great. After my grandfather died she went to live with Aunt and Uncle,and he's in the Air Force, so they've moved a bit. Being in Washington State, Guatemala, Florida, and we've just never had the means to go and visit them. Something I'd like to change, and see about going down to see them next spring.
Anyway, I'm still high in the clouds from the visit, and wanted to share some of that with you all.
Thursday, April 12
My very first Thursday 13
1. Monty Python The Holy Grail
2. What Dreams May Come
3. Ghost
4. The Notebook
5. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original)
6. Stargate
7. Mrs. Doubtfire
8. Pirates of the Carribean (any of them)
9. Pride and Prejudice
10. The Little Mermaid
11. Bad Boys
12. Ladder 49
13. Pretty Woman
Wednesday, April 11
Mail today...
And so I opened it up and find a unch of brown paper:
Pull away the paper and you get:
Well how nice!!! Look at all the beautiful stuff, starting with this:
It's a card that lets me know that Pixiedust has been my unknown pal! Thanks Tiffany, you've been a great sp!!
First off, I LOVE stuffies!!!! And secondly, I REALLY REALLY love the ones that Kristie designs, so these cute little guys are just perfect!!!! I LOVE them, time to pull out another shelf and hang these guys up!!!
So now, let's look at some goodies that I can make into something wonderful some hooks and a magnet:
Some thread:
a bookmark, so cute little ladybug:
Two GREAT, and I mean GREAT books! One is a PK doily pattern book, The Best of Patricia Kristofferson, and then How to Crochet the Celtic Way!!!! If you could see me bouncing, you'd laugh at me!
And of course some chocolate, caramel eggs from cadbury:
which my husband made quick work in claiming for himself, lol!
And like I said before, she has thought of my daughters with EVERY package, and this time is no different:
A wonderful book of how to make puppets based on African Animals, and some beads and string, we are talking about HOURS of FUN!!!!
I have had so much fun being Tiffany's pal! She has been the best! Every week she sent me the best hallmark e-cards letting me know something else we have in common. I have had a blast! Thanks soooooo much!!!!
Sunday, April 1
Secret Pals and completed projects and Yarn!
Skinny scarf for jessica's daughter, again MUST MAIL this week.
My favorite recently completed project is this outfit for a fridn of mine named Flor. She has 2 little boys, and is expecting her first daughter in June. I had to make her this baby girl set and bonnet. The Dress and Diaper cover can be found here
I am so blessed in my life to have such great people who love me. My mom was so great to send me all that yarn, and Zach picked out the Caron himself, I just told him the brand I had a hankering for. I'm hoping to finish a few more small things this week for my secret pal, then I need to mail out my reveal package. And after she receives her items, I'll post pics of what I made her.
This round of secret pals has been a lot of fun. Last round I thought I was unfairly matched, I had an AMAZING ROCK ON secret pal, and I was a newbie, did ok for my pal. But this time, I feel I have been evenly paired. I think I have done well in my job as a giver and thoughtful secret pal, and my Secret Pal has DEFINITELY once again been AWESOME!!!! I won't be in another pal swap until I graduate, and I am so glad to have had such a great experience with it!!