Tuesday, September 11

Happy Birthday Dad

Somewhere, maybe in Florida, maybe in California, who knows, Keith Roger Secor is celebrating his 53rd birthday today.

Haven't seen you in a long time, who knows maybe you were hit by a bus a few years back. Probably not, bur I wouldn't know. I can't help but think of you today, as I turn another year older, so do you.

In case you think of me and try to look me up, you might see this today too. Well Happy Birthday. I'm doing well. You have 3 granddaughters whom you've never met, and have never seen a picture of you. They are beautiful and amazing. Mackenzie is 6 1/2 now, Dawn is 4 1/2 and little Jadyn just turned 2 last month. My husband, who you've also never met, is a wonderful man, his name is Zach.

Don't fret that the girls don't know their grandfather. They have their PaPa who they adore immensely. It's amazing how loved they are, by all the people around them. I don't even think they really notice you are missing.

Frankly, I only notice today. I'll be over it tomorrow and won't think about again until next year, when being who I am, can't forget that today is your birthday. Whereever you are, and whoever you are with, I do wish you all that you could possibly deserve from this life.

~Your Daughter