Friday, July 27

Thoughts of Christmas Abound

Well, I've been so busy with courses and what not that I haven't taken the time to post, design, crochet, anything really. Which I suppose it's a good idea if that changes, seeing as Christmas will be here before I know it, and I have some tasks I'm hoping to accomplish before then. So I'm hoping to be on here a bit more, maybe once or twice a week with pics and updates.

I need to finalize my gift list and then I'll have a better idea of what I'm getting into.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ADA!!!!!!!!!!!! I can see you love me so much that I have to search ur name on Google to find a way to contact you. So you had better write to me or something. If you aren't sure I am who I say I am....

"I have 2 toys and I am glad.... you have no toys that is too bad...."

my myspace is ArabianGirl or ArabianGirl13.
Talk to me!

Xoxo the one and only Christina D.